About Us
To empower our members and enrich our community through trusted financial services and offer them unwavering commitment of their financial well-being through Harambee spirit of pulling resources together.
To create a compelling Financial growth in both Saving and investment to enable our community attain financial goals which will propel our Smart services as the most preferred in the global market.
Core Values
Our core values
Equality & Equity
Honesty & Integrity
Mutual responsibility & Accountability
Diaspora community based
Exceptional services & Team work
Empathy & Dedication
Jamhuri Diaspora Sacco represents a brainchild of 4 visionary founders: Dr. Peter Ruhiri, Mr. Danson Mukile, Mrs. Rachel Liyayi and Miss. Vicky Bati-cooley.
The idea emanated from their desire to bring diaspora community together in a cooperative savings and credit union.
Our main aim is to mobilize funds/savings from our members and thereafter lend it to them at affordable rate of interest or investment for dividend accrual purposes.
JDSACCO was founded in October, 2022 in the United States by four visionary individuals. The four founders are:
- Dr. Peter Ruhiri
- Mr. Danson Mukile
- Mrs. Rachel Liyayi
- Miss Vicky Bati- Cooley
The idea emanated from their desire to bring diaspora community together in a cooperative saving society. They reached out to their family members, friends and business partners and shared the mission & vision of JDSACCO who willingly joined them to propel the mission & vision. In September 2nd, 2023, JDSACCO was officially launched in Maryland United States; by its delegates A board to run JDSACCO was established and the 1st investment project the mission & vision7. board members were appointed by delegates for a period of five (5) year.

Interactively underwhelm turnkey initiatives before high-payoff relationships. Holisticly restore superior interfaces before flexible technology. Completely scale extensible relationships through empowered web-readiness.
Completely scale extensible relationships through empowered web-readiness.
Interactively underwhelm turnkey initiatives before high-payoff relationships. Holisticly restore superior interfaces before flexible technology. Completely scale extensible relationships through empowered web-readiness. Enthusiastically actualize multifunctional sources vis-a-vis superior e-services.
Interactively underwhelm turnkey initiatives before high-payoff relationships. Holisticly restore superior interfaces before flexible technology. Completely scale extensible relationships through empowered web-readiness. Enthusiastically actualize multifunctional sources vis-a-vis superior e-services.
Extensible relationships through empowered web-readiness. Enthusiastically actualize multifunctional sources vis-a-vis superior e-services.
At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos.
Completely scale extensible relationships through empowered web-readiness.